Have you heard about the natural wonder in Uzbekistan?

 Have you heard about the natural wonder in Uzbekistan?

    These are two lakes in the valley of the Urungach stream (translated as “light or white jade”. Kash - jade, urung - in modern Uyghur language means light): Lower - very small, but very beautiful with an unreal color of water, and Upper - a large lake.

    Above the small Urungach, 4 km, there is Lake Upper Urungach, which, unlike its small brother, never dries up, even in the hottest months. The surrounding landscapes, and the lakes themselves, are strikingly different from each other. The upper lake has more turquoise water color and is twice the size.

    Some scientific data collected by Soviet scientists about this lake:

Altitude above sea level: 1227m
Catchment area: 38.2 sq. km
Water surface area: 0.020 sq. km
Volume million cubic meters: 0.080 cubic meters
Maximum length: 0.320 km
Average depth: 4.0 m
Maximum depth: 10.4m

    The lake changes its level greatly depending on the time of year and the water level in the Urungach stream itself, as indicated by clear marks on the opposite rocky shore of the lake.

    At the mouth of the stream flowing into the lake, we had lunch, rested, and even tried to swim, but in this place there is a lot of silt and algae, it is better to swim on the other side of the lake.

It is located 150 km from Tashkent, on the territory of the Ugam-Chatkal National Park. If you want to use the capital's taxi services, it will cost about $100 round trip. Driving in a car is almost impossible once you get into the mountains, you need a mountain car and you can spend as much as you can according to your plan.

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    Although the distance is not so far, the trip takes an average of 4-4.5 hours. The reason for this is a bad road. But that's all from one side.

    Passing Chorvok and turning towards Sidjak, we walk along the foot of the Pskem River. We walk straight, without turning anywhere, until we reach the real border point - the crossing point to Bukurikhona. Everything here is serious, you will not be allowed here without a special permit and a passport of a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This is where it goes wrong. On your way, you will meet small villages with many children, they are proud of the passing vehicles. The road runs along the foothills of the river at high altitude, so it is better for the faint of heart not to sit in front of the window.

    After a total of 4 hours of walking, the cars stop, and it's time to walk.

    It takes 30-45 minutes to reach Lower Jade Lake. The road is passable and does not go uphill, the only inconvenience is that the whole road goes over stones. A small turn and we are in front of the lake. At first, it may not seem so impressive, but if you take a closer look, you will understand that it is beautiful. Clean clear water, rocks rising on the edges and the hot sun of Uzbekistan. The water is like ice, if you want to take a bath, you can't stay in the water for more than 3 seconds.
